Custom Software
Optimize your operations and maximize your profit with our unique, powerful, scalable software solutions, built-to-measure to suit your needs.

We use a wide range of platforms and technologies.
We have a full-cycle custom software development division that helps you turn your ideas into robust software applications, perfectly adapted to your organisation’s workflows.
We are agile but we can be conservative, depending on what best suits each project.
We use the Agile / Scrum methodology for the advantages it provides in terms of transparency, speed of delivery and flexibility to changing requirements. We ensure real-time visibility during each stage of development, from analysis to delivery.
We also work Waterfall
There’s a lot to do before jumping in! We do the necessary research and business analysis, we understand and document the requests and preferences of the client, we consult with all key stakeholders, we challenge assumptions, we ask questions, we get curious, we get creative, we design and we repeat.
Business Analysis
This stage is a fundamental part of any software development project aimed at providing a custom solution. Working in Agile, this stage is repeated throughout the project, with each sprint, with the purpose of translating the needs of the client into working user stories that can be developed next. Working in Waterfall, this stage sits at the beginning of the project and its purpose is to provide a development blueprint for the whole solution. -
We design the entire configuration of all infrastructure components. We can deliver the infrastructure ourselves or we can work with the client’s IT team. We design and maintain both the test and the production environments. We cover data migration, system cutoff, rollout and rollback, performance monitoring, user training and documentation. -
UI/UX Design
As part of the Business Analysis stage, we deliver clickable mockups and we thoroughly discuss UX with our clients. We work with UI and UX agencies and we also have in-house consultants and designers. We either adhere to our client’s vision or we can recommend and implement our own. -
Development & Delivery
Software developers closely follow the specifications and user stories for front-end, back-end, services, and integration components to be developed, writing beautiful code. Team Leads ensure optimal solutions are deployed, correct frameworks are used and provide guidance throughout the development process. Experienced Delivery Managers supervise and coordinate the entire effort and constantly communicate with Project Managers to keep the client up-to-date. -
We are focused on understanding our the needs of each client, the particularities of each different type of project, stakeholders’ dynamics, working environments and focus on defining a perfect delivery methodology. -
Client Feedback
Client feedback is incorporated into the project. For Agile, every sprint results in a demo and all feedback is carried forward to the next stages. For Waterfall, milestones for feedback are built into the implementation plan from the get-go. Our Project Management versus Delivery Management philosophy ensures the channels are always open and client feedback is constantly considered. -
There is high-level planning and there is detailed planning. Each project has its own major milestones that we adhere to. In Agile projects, most detailed planning is done sprint-to-sprint, taking into account priorities defined with our clients. In Waterfall projects, detailed planning is done beforehand, and the complex dependencies that result are taken into account when agreeing the final schedule with the client. -
Post Implementation
We make sure that everything runs exactly as it should on a daily basis. We monitor the operating parameters of the systems and we carry out periodic maintenance. We check and maintain back-up plans, we monitor storage usage, data traffic and related costs. We upgrade the systems when necessary. We provide modern helpdesk tools and our dedicated support teams manage every detail throughout a project post-implementation lifecycle – technical support issues, bug reporting and fixing, change request management, special requests and more. Oferim instrumente moderne de helpdesk. Echipele noastre de suport dedicate gestionează fiecare detaliu pe tot parcursul ciclului de viață post-implementare al proiectului - suport tehnic, raportarea și remedierea bug-urilor, gestionarea cererilor de modificare, a cererilor speciale și multe altele. -
QA / Testing
Each workflow, functionality, control, module and application are tested in both manual and automatic testing environments. Bugs are identified and sent back to the backlog. Flows are documented and revised. The QA team is in constant contact with developers, delivery managers and project managers, ensuring company-wide, real-time transparency with regards to any project’s quality rating and ensuring as few bugs as possible make it to the UAT.