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  • Bvd. Primăverii Nr. 19-21, București

Bento develops a solution enabling Canah to become an Amazon marketplace seller, with access to 5 European markets

Bento develops a solution enabling Canah to become an Amazon marketplace seller, with access to 5 European markets



The Challenge

Canah is the largest hemp processor in Romania, with a turnover of almost EUR 6 million in 2016 and 35 employees. The company sells hemp-based products in Romania and in the European Union. The goal of the company at the beginning of 2017 was to sell products through Amazon, the world’s largest marketplace-type platform, with global coverage and tens of millions of customers. Companies can sell product through Amazon using Fulfilment by Amazon. Products are delivered to an Amazon distribution centre, and Amazon handles the collection, storage, packaging and delivery of the products to the end consumer. Because Amazon charges for the storage area and for storage time, it was critical to optimise the production process, computation of the price, stock analysis and production management, to make sure Canah didn’t sell products at a loss, by comparison to production costs. We had to integrate the IT production system of the back-office with the sales tools made available by Amazon.

The Solution

In 2017, Canah turned to Bento to develop a solution for integration with Amazon. During the specification phase, it was decided to develop a unique management account for 5 markets: amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.it and amazon.es. Once launched, the application displayed the goods in Canah’s inventory, the goods in Amazon’s inventory, and the goods in transit. In addition, the solution sent automated alerts to avoid out-of-stock incidents and kept records of average sales per product, time of restock and transport, and acceptance of merchandise. Bento set up a team of 3 developers for this project, who was able to deliver a turnkey solution within less than 4 months.

„Amazon listing is a complex and lengthy process. Aside from verification of the company, of the brands and quality of the products, it also involves a whole range of aspects related to eligibility, labeling, observance of legislation in the country of sale. Guiding the listing steps using someone who has done it several times, is of real help” – Dan Giusca, senior arhitect at Bento.


The solution implemented by Canah ensures continuity of sales in the marketplace, it centralises information that is useful for the accounting department and for the production department, and provides a wealth of sales reports for the commercial department. The app interprets the data obtained from the marketplace and optimises production volumes in real time, to ensure profit during process operations.